iubh computer science

in Computer Science teaches you the fundamentals of computer science. Today, we are living through a time of progressive cyber-physical convergence, with the lines between “online” and “offline” becoming more and more blurred. The IUBH is system accredited. Englisch. Im IUBH Master Computer Science setzt Du diese Reise mit einem Fokus auf Data Science, Cyber-Sicherheit und Künstliche Intelligenz fort. 60 or 120 ECTS, depending on your previous studies. Der Bachelor-Fernstudiengang Computer Science ist zulassungsfrei. We expect the ministry's approval at the latest when the study starts. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. What career opportunities will I have after graduation? And do I have everything I need to study at IUBH? And do I have everything I need to study at IUBH? Master of Science (M.Sc.) Du wirst lernen, Systeme mit einem starken Fokus auf Softwaretechnologie zu entwickeln und wirst mit modernen Themen wie KI und Cloud Computing vertraut gemacht. IUBH University of Applied Sciences is the first and only German University with a UNWTO Tedqual Quality Certificate. *subject to state recognition of the programme. Due to the current restrictions, start the first semester via our Virtual Classroom. Ergreif Deine Karriere-Chance! Globalisation and digitalisation of business and society are leading to a high – and largely unmet – need for IT specialists. Find out more about the course from IUBH Fernstudium on educations.com now! We expect the ministry's approval at the latest when the study starts. During your studies, you will acquire the knowledge and skillset necessary to handle cyber security in projects or IT infrastructures. You will find answers to these and other questions on the following pages. Scholarships are limited, only avaiable for the first 100 accepted applicants. What career opportunities will I have after graduation? discuss professional conduct in computer science. This field is fast changing, has its finger on today’s pulse, and has become the pacemaker for the digital society of the future. Die IUBH bie­tet fle­xi­bel anpass­ba­re Mög­lich­kei­ten: Du kannst zu 100% online im Fern­stu­di­um stu­die­ren oder lie­ber ab und an vor Ort am Cam­pus vor­bei­schau­en. So far, all IUBH programs have been accredited successfully and punctually. 100% Stimmen von echten Studierenden im Dezember 2020. Graduates from the programme will be able to understand and develop a variety of IT systems, with a strong focus on software technologies. Graduates from the programme will be able to understand and develop a variety of IT systems, with a strong focus on software technologies. Due to the unmet demand for experts on these topics, you’ll become a sought-after specialist who can operate in almost any sector. Durch den ungedeckten Bedarf an Experten für diese Themen wirst Du zu einer begehrten Fachkraft, die in nahezu allen Branchen einsatzfähig ist. In IUBH’s Master in Computer Science, you continue your journey with a focus on data science, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. The deadline of the scholarship is . M.Sc. In the Department of Computer Science, you will learn to use computers to develop fast, scalable, and secure solutions to a range of problems—and to make more incredible ideas possible. Are you interested in studying BSc in Computer Science? Due to the unmet demand for experts on these topics, you’ll become a sought-after specialist who can operate in almost any sector. Computer Science an der IUBH Quelle: IUBH Fernstudium 2020 + 2 ; Studiengangsdetails. Career Possibilities Computer and Information Research Scientist. In our IUBH Bachelor in Computer Science, you can specialise in selected fields, for example, with the modules Mobile Software Engineering, Big Data, and Cloud Technologies, or … Information representation 2.1 Jetzt loslegen! Entsprechend hoch ist der Anspruch unserer Dozenten und Professoren an der IUBH, Dich gut auf Deine digitale Karriere vorzubereiten. And it enables us to do things that once seemed impossible. Studying at the IUBH supports and challenges you. Investing in an excellent private degree programme pays off. *subject to state recognition of the programme. In addition to other topics, there are bottlenecks among IT specialists with in-depth knowledge of cyber security. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Das Studium Computer Science beim Institut IUBH Fernstudium dauert 6 bis 12 Semester und endet mit dem Abschluss Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. The scholarship allows Bachelor, Masters level programm(s) in the field of Data Science, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Finance, Accounting, Engineering Management taught at IUBH University of Applied Sciences . The need for experts on that fields of business is heavy. World-wide, there is a rapidly growing demand for Computer Scientists that know their way about Cyber Security, AI and Data Science. As a Computer and Information Research Scientist (Computer Scientist for short) you will analyze complex problems in a variety of areas, including business, science, medicine, in order to develop computer-aided solutions. Take a look at the curriculum, learn about the areas you can specialise in and discover the opportunities for studying abroad. as an IT security specialist or cyber security specialist. The Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at IUBH is designed to train students in the fundamentals of the field, while also teaching them the practical application of these scientific principles. Als Schul­ab­gän­ger hast … Im Data Science Fernstudium studierst Du 100% flexibel, schreibst Online Klausuren & kannst gleichzeitig praktische Erfahrungen sammeln. A combination of theory and practice will give your future career in computer science a solid foundation. Werde mit Deinem Master zur gefragten Führungskraft in IT & Technik Bildung. About Computer Science at IUBH University of Applied Sciences The M.Sc. Finde weitere Informationen dazu im folgenden. Du erwirbst fundierte theoretische und praktische Kenntnisse über die Entwicklung und Anwendung von Software- sowie Big-Data-Technologien. ). The Bachelor's degree in Computer Science is designed to prepare you for a career in one of the most important knowledge-sectors of the future corporate world: You will acquire foundational competencies and skills in software development and maintenance, as well as in software management. Contents 1. Some of the popular domains in which the bachelor or master program is offered by the university are related to management, computer science and aviation. Basic concepts of data processing 1.1 Data, information and messages 1.2 Software, firmware and hardware 1.3 Languages, syntax and semantics 1.4 Historical overview 2. You will be able to interact with your fellow students and ask your lecturer any questions you might have. Get to know specific occupations that you can start after graduation. Bachelor’s degree or additional professional qualification in IT, Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics or other Computer Science related disciplines from an accredited university with 240 ECTS for the 1 year program. Copyright © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule - All rights reserved. In IUBH’s Master in Computer Science, you continue your journey with a focus on data science, cyber security and artificial intelligence. Master Computer Science in Cyber Security You will focus on algorithms, you will deal with Cyber security and data protection as well as cryptology - an important tool in IT security. More information. erfährst und und bereitet Dich auf die Anwendung von Prinzipien der Informatik vor. Mit Deinem Master Studium Data Science an der IUBH wirst Du zum Spezialisten für die Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft. All courses are individually accredited in line with German and European regulations and bear the seal of the Accreditation Council. Jetzt loslegen! Due to the unmet demand for experts on these topics, you’ll become a sought-after specialist who can operate in almost any sector. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Jetzt entdecken Im IUBH Master Computer Science setzt Du diese Reise mit einem Fokus auf Data Science, Cyber-Sicherheit und Künstliche Intelligenz fort. IUBH's excellent reputation in academia and industry gives IUBH graduates significant leverage for a successful career. Investing in an excellent private degree programme pays off. The IUBH is system accredited. The curriculum and all learning materials for the course will be available entirely online. *Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm gmt +1. In IUBH’s Master in Computer Science, you continue your journey with a focus on data science, cyber security and artificial intelligence. The Virtual Classroom allows you to attend lectures via live video stream. Außerdem bekommst Du entsprechende Werkzeuge, Verfahren und Algorithmen an die Hand, um praktische Aufgabenstellungen anzugehen. In IUBH’s Master in Computer Science, you continue your journey with a focus on data science, cyber security and artificial intelligence. What will I learn during my studies? Computing touches everything. DLBCSICS01 13 www.iubh.de. 12.295 €¹ - 14.191 €¹ Unterrichtssprachen. Learn about the prerequisites here. Applications by September 30th 2020 will receive a 2500 € Scholarship from IUBH! Deepen your IT knowledge and become a Computer Science expert! They will also explore such cutting-edge and timely topics as AI, cloud computing, and more. With blockchain you will also investigate a current and much-discussed practical application of these concepts. Im Master-Fernstudium Computer Science in Cyber Security erhältst Du die erforderlichen Kenntnisse und Kompetenzen, um Cyber-Sicherheit in Entwicklungsprojekten oder IT-Infrastrukturen mitzugestalten. In the IUBH Fernstudium computer science you can specialize in the areas of web development, software engineering with python, user interface design, mobile software engineering or no-frills software engineering, for example, and thus become experts in your field. Dein Studium Computer Science ist eine Wissenschaft für sich. What will I learn during my studies? Der Bachelorstudiengang Computer Science vermittelt Dir die Grundlagen der Informatik. To a large extent, this high demand also arises from the fact that these are required not only in the IT industry, but also in all user industries. The Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at IUBH is designed to train students in the fundamentals of the field, while also teaching them the practical application of these scientific principles. Auf Deine Art. Im Bachelor Computer Science studierst Du 100% flexibel, schreibst Online Klausuren und kannst gleichzeitig praktische Erfahrungen sammeln. The Master in Computer Science at IUBH prepares you for a career in the Tech Industry - e.g. 24 - 48 Monate Gesamtkosten. Denn der Bedarf an IT-Spezialisten wird auch in Zukunft weiter zunehmen. Abiturienten. About Computer Science at IUBH University of Applied Sciences The B.Sc. It affects all aspects of our lives. You will learn to develop systems with a strong focus on software technology and you will be familiarized with modern topics such as AI and cloud computing. IUBH received 5 stars in QS Stars University Rating QS is the world’s most popular source for comparative university data IUBH received 5 stars in QS Stars University Rating QS is the most popular source for comparative university data Apply now Apply now Apply now Bachelor degree programmes Master Programmes MBA Programmes MBAMBA in Big […] Dauer. With the field of Computer Science in a state of constant evolution, and in turn changing the world around us, software and hardware engineers alike find themselves in ever-greater demand. Abschluss. Bewertungen & Fernstudium Vergleich des Studiengangs Master of Science Computer Science der IUBH. Via the unique combination of theoretical foundations and practical skills that this programme imparts, students will be given a competitive advantage in the market, dually familiarised with the basics of software development as well as the management and maintenance of software. Graduates from the programme will be able to understand and develop a variety of IT systems, with a strong focus on software technologies. So far, all IUBH programs have been accredited successfully and punctually. You will find answers to these and other questions on the following pages. Für eine erfolgreiche Einschreibung braucht die IUBH von Dir im ersten Schritt eine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung. IUBH Shop Login Here is a detailed overview of our tuition fees and financing options. in Computer Science at IUBH can be completed over two or four semesters, depending on the ECTS level of your Bachelor's degree. Das Computer Science Master Studium an der IUBH ist Deine ideale Weiterentwicklung. Study Computer Science online Expertise Management Know-how Social Skills lll Apply now! The Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at IUBH is designed to train students in the fundamentals of the field, while also teaching them the practical application of these scientific principles. As a subject, Computer Science is in a state of constant flux, as is evidenced by such increasingly relevant topics as Big Data and the “digital agenda”. Studying at the IUBH supports and challenges you. As a Computer Science expert, you will be one of the most sought-after specialists in business, industry, the public sector and government organisations. Durch den ungedeckten Bedarf an Experten für diese Themen wirst Du zu einer begehrten Fachkraft, die in nahezu allen Branchen einsatzfähig ist. Get to know specific occupations that you can start after graduation. ... IUBH gives you an opportunity to apply for one of our many scholarships, however our scholarships are only available to Non-EU students at this time. Take a look at the curriculum, learn about the areas you can specialise in and discover the opportunities for studying abroad. Here is a detailed overview of our tuition fees and financing options. *Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm gmt +1. International Management for career changers, Copyright © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule - All rights reserved. All courses are individually accredited in line with German and European regulations and bear the seal of the Accreditation Council. Schließlich bist Du zukünftiger Impulsgeber, wenn es um neue Technologien und … Computer Science. Learn about the prerequisites here.

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