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Gandhi kämpfte auch mit Sitz- … Mai 1930, wurde Mahatma Gandhi, der Führer der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, verhaftet. John Court Curry, a British police officer stationed in India, wrote in his memoirs that he felt nausea every time he dealt with Congress demonstrations in 1930. I thus began to call the Indian movement Satyagraha, that is to say, the Force which is born of Truth and Love or nonviolence, and gave up the use of the phrase "passive resistance", in connection with it, so much so that even in English writing we often avoided it and used instead the word "satyagraha" ...[25]. Sein Salzmarsch, den er am 12. [27] Gandhi later claimed that success at Bardoli confirmed his belief in satyagraha and Swaraj: "It is only gradually that we shall come to know the importance of the victory gained at Bardoli ... Bardoli has shown the way and cleared it. Gandhi started this mar… [11] (Literally in Sanskrit, purna, "complete," swa, "self," raj, "rule," so therefore "complete self-rule".) Rupees Bank Note India. [63], There were outbreaks of violence in Calcutta (now spelled Kolkata), Karachi, and Gujarat. The satyagraha against the salt tax continued for almost a year, ending with Gandhi's release from jail and negotiations with Viceroy Lord Irwin at the Second Round Table Conference. Mahatma Gandhi (n. 2 octombrie 1869, Porbandar[*] , India – d. 30 ianuarie 1948, Gandhi Smriti[*] , Delhi, Dominion of India[*] ) cu adevăratul său nume Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi a fost părintele independenței Indiei și inițiatorul mișcărilor de revoltă nonviolente. [1] The march spanned 240 miles (390 km), from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi, which was called Navsari at that time (now in the state of Gujarat). In reaction, the British government arrested over sixty thousand people by the end of the month. Immer mehr Menschen schlossen sich Gandhis Marsch an. [39], As mentioned earlier, the Viceroy held any prospect of a "salt protest" in disdain. Gewaltloser Widerstand gerann zu Geschichte, die trotz vieler Opfer letztlich in die Befreiung der Inder von der britischen Kolonialmacht mündete. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 27. The obstacles started when he was a child in South Africa where he was discriminated for being an Indian immigrant. He was assassinated in 1948, shortly after achieving his life goal of Indian independence. ", "Correspondence came under censorship, the Congress and its associate organizations were declared illegal, and their funds made subject to seizure. Oktober 1869: Geburt des Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in Porpandar als ... Auf dem 80 tägigen Salzmarsch vom Ashram von Sabarmati nach Dandi an der Küste schließen sich mehrere Tausend Menschen dem Zug an; an der Küste angekommen, hebt Gandhi eine Handvoll Salzkörner am [71] Usha Mehta, an early Gandhian activist, remarked that "Even our old aunts and great-aunts and grandmothers used to bring pitchers of salt water to their houses and manufacture illegal salt. Mäerz 1930 op de sougenannte „Salzmarsch“ opzebriechen. April 2011. Reasons abound as to why the prize had eluded him for so long. She was also the first woman to be arrested in the salt march. Aus dem Handgriff eines Einzelnen wurde eine riesige Bürgerbewegung. Schools and colleges should become empty. 14.000-Kilometer-Marsch für Mahatma Gandhi startet. Mahatma Gandhi has come to be known as the Father of India and a beacon of light in … [10] It gained worldwide attention which gave impetus to the Indian independence movement and started the nationwide Civil Disobedience movement which continued until 1934. Mahatma Gandhi menjadi tokoh terkemuka dalam perjuangan India melawan Inggris. There was extensive reportage in the international media. Der „Salzmarsch“ Eine weitere Aktion, durch welche Gandhi noch berühmter wurde, ist der Salzmarsch. Mahatma Gandhi was an empowering leader no only because he empowered all Indians on a salt march to corrupt the British economic system. "[20] He then boiled it in seawater, producing illegal salt. Gandhi startete mit 78 Begleitern. Der Salzmarsch war die spektakulärste Kampagne, die Gandhi während seines Kampfes um Unabhängigkeit initiierte. An American academic writing for The Nation reported that "60,000 persons gathered on the bank of the river to hear Gandhi's call to arms. [34], For the march itself, Gandhi wanted the strictest discipline and adherence to satyagraha and ahimsa. They cannot attack the abstract constitution or lead an army against proclamations and statutes ... Civil disobedience has to be directed against the salt tax or the land tax or some other particular point – not that; that is our final end, but for the time being it is our aim, and we must shoot straight. Explaining his choice, Gandhi said, "Next to air and water, salt is perhaps the greatest necessity of life." Mahatma Gandhi Statue. [84] Congress leaders decided to end satyagraha as official policy in 1934, and Nehru and other Congress members drifted further apart from Gandhi, who withdrew from Congress to concentrate on his Constructive Programme, which included his efforts to end untouchability in the Harijan movement. 64 65 10. [4] Although over 60,000 Indians were jailed as a result of the Salt Satyagraha,[5] the British did not make immediate major concessions.[6]. Gandhi var en indisk advokat, politiker och andlig ledare. The Salt Satyagraha did not produce immediate progress toward dominion status or self-rule for India, did not elicit major policy concessions from the British,[83] or attract much Muslim support. [16][17] The Statesman, a prominent newspaper, wrote about the choice: "It is difficult not to laugh, and we imagine that will be the mood of most thinking Indians. [36] Events at each village were scheduled and publicised in Indian and foreign press.[37]. The Salt Satyagraha was a campaign of nonviolent protest against the British salt tax in colonial India which began with the Salt March to Dandi on March 12, 1930. Mengutip dari Encylcopaedia Britannica, Mahatma Gandhi lahir di Porbandar, India pada 8 Oktober 1869 dan meninggal pada 30 Januari 1948.. Mahatma Gandhi dikenal sebagai sosok yang sangat … Foreign journalists and three Bombay cinema companies shooting newsreel footage turned Gandhi into a household name in Europe and America (at the end of 1930, Time magazine made him "Man of the Year"). Der Salzmarsch oder die Salz-Satyagraha von 1930 war eine Kampagne Mahatma Gandhis, die das Salzmonopol der Briten brechen sollte und letztlich zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens von Großbritannien führte. 34 Free images of Mahatma Gandhi. D er indische Freiheitskämpfer Mahatma Gandhi bricht am 12. Mahatma Gandhi um 1940 mit seinem Spinnrad. Salt Satyagraha succeeded in drawing the attention of the world. Die Briten kontrollierten in Indien die Gewinnung von Salz und den Salzhandel. Related Images: gandhi india mahatma gandhiji ghandi indian money statue rupees. Zum Abschluss des 24-tägigen sog. History Of Colonialism in India Prior to the colonial era in India, the country was a highly prosperous nation, divided into several kingdoms, ruled by … Insgesamt doch wohl eher erfolglos, angesichts des Urteils der Geschichte. Upon arriving at the seashore on 5 April, Gandhi was interviewed by an Associated Press reporter. Hinzu kam, dass sie das gewonnene Salz nicht nur für private Zwecke benutzten, sondern es auch steuerfrei weiterverkauften. Mahatma Gandhi was a prominent Indian political leader who was a leading figure in the campaign for Indian independence. På den tiden tillhörde Indien det brittiska imperiet. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The talks would lead to the Second Round Table Conference at the end of 1931. [56], 78 marchers accompanied Gandhi on his march. In a public meeting at Tuticorin, he said: Suppose, a people rise in revolt. Diese Aktion sollte den zivilen Ungehorsam beflügeln und ein Zeichen gegen die Abhängigkeit von zu hohen Steuern durch Großbritannien setzen. Kapanganakan: 2 Oktubre 1869. Those struck down fell sprawling, unconscious or writhing in pain with fractured skulls or broken shoulders. The story appeared in 1,350 newspapers throughout the world and was read into the official record of the United States Senate by Senator John J. Mahatma Gandhi’s first protest movement was in support of the indigo cultivators in Champaran, Bihar in 1917, then in Kheda in Gujarat in 1918. From where I stood I heard the sickening whacks of the clubs on unprotected skulls. It was clear that though only men were allowed within the march, that both men and women were expected to forward work that would help dissolve the salt laws. According to The Statesman, the official government newspaper which usually played down the size of crowds at Gandhi's functions, 100,000 people crowded the road that separated Sabarmati from Ahmadabad. Nehru considered the Salt Satyagraha the high-water mark of his association with Gandhi,[88] and felt that its lasting importance was in changing the attitudes of Indians: Of course these movements exercised tremendous pressure on the British Government and shook the government machinery. What started as a personal pilgrimage for Mahatma Gandhi's great-grandson Tushar Gandhi turned into an international event with 900 registered participants from nine nations and on a daily basis the numbers swelled to a couple of thousands. "[17], The British establishment too was not disturbed by these plans of resistance against the salt tax. [85] However, even though British authorities were again in control by the mid-1930s, Indian, British, and world opinion increasingly began to recognise the legitimacy of claims by Gandhi and the Congress Party for sovereignty and self-rule. Non-Violence Peace. [citation needed], The participants halted at Dandi on the night of 5 April, with the commemoration ending on 7 April. Namatay: 30 Enero 1948 (sa edad na 78) Bagong Delhi, Unyon ng India. In Midnapore, Bengalis took part by refusing to pay the chowkidar tax. His group started from Tiruchirappalli, in Madras Presidency (now part of Tamil Nadu), to the coastal village of Vedaranyam. Hans arv är olikt alla andras. Mahatma Gandhi Great Quotes with Images. [50] To keep up their spirits, the marchers used to sing the Hindu bhajan Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram while walking. Only after threatening to expose British censorship was his story allowed to pass. Gandhi felt that this would bring the poor into the struggle for sovereignty and self-rule, necessary for eventual victory. They went down like ten-pins. Die Engländer hatten beschlossen, dass die Inder für jede Prise Salz, die sie verbrauchten, extra Steuern, also Geld, bezahlen sollten. Der Himalaya, das höchste Gebirge der Welt, bildet die Grenze zum Norden. [citation needed], Initially, Gandhi's choice of the salt tax was met with incredulity by the Working Committee of the Congress,[15] Jawaharlal Nehru and Dibyalochan Sahoo were ambivalent; Sardar Patel suggested a land revenue boycott instead. Mehrere hundert Menschen folgten ihm beim so genannten "Salzmarsch"“, um gegen die hohe Salzsteuer zu protestieren. The Congress Party planned to stage a satyagraha at the Dharasana Salt Works, 25 mi (40 km) south of Dandi. Mahatma Gandhi led the Dandi march from his Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi, … Der Salzmarsch oder die Salz-Satyagraha von 1930 war eine Kampagne Mahatma Gandhis, die das Salzmonopol der Briten brechen sollte und letztlich zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens von Großbritannien führte. März 1930, startete Gandhi den Marsch, um sich gegen die "Salzsteuer" der Engländer zu wehren. Jahrhunderts Seit wann werden Helden ihren Anforderungen eigentlich gerecht? Han mördades 1948 av en hinduisk fanatiker. [23] He wrote, "If the means employed are impure, the change will not be in the direction of progress but very likely in the opposite. Gujarati peasants refused to pay tax, under threat of losing their crops and land. The only thing that was asked of the villagers was food and water to wash with. Vor 80 Jahren beendete Mahatma Gandhi seinen "Salzmarsch". Thousands of women, from large cities to small villages, became active participants in satyagraha. [19] The salt tax represented 8.2% of the British Raj tax revenue, and hurt the poorest Indians the most significantly. Behind him is his second son Manilal Gandhi and Mithuben Petit. [31] The Salt March was also called the White Flowing River because all the people were joining the procession wearing white khadi. I was particularly moved by his Salt March to the Sea and his numerous fasts. "[41] The eve of the march brought thousands of Indians to Sabarmati to hear Gandhi speak at the regular evening prayer. Mahatma Gandhi is revered the world over as one of history’s most transformative and inspirational figures.Throughout his life in South Africa and India, Gandhi was a fearless campaigner for the rights and dignity of all people, whose constant and unwavering promotion of non-violence as a tool to win over hearts and minds has forever left its mark on the world. [2] Growing numbers of Indians joined them along the way. [61] British cloth and goods were boycotted. [32], Gandhi prepared the worldwide media for the march by issuing regular statements from Sabarmati, at his regular prayer meetings and through direct contact with the press. [54][55], The following morning, after a prayer, Gandhi raised a lump of salty mud and declared, "With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire. In India, he is known as ‘Father of […] Dort kam er 24 Tage später an und hob als Symbolhandlung einige Körner Salz auf, um damit gegen das britische Salzmonopol zu demonstrieren. Mahatma means “great soul.” [62] The British responded with more laws, including censorship of correspondence and declaring the Congress and its associate organisations illegal. März 1930 hatte sich Mahatma Gandhi mit einer Schar von Mitstreitern aus seinem Ashram auf den rund 200 Meilen langen Weg zum Meer gemacht. Am Ende begleiteten ihn Tausende. Der Salzmarsch war die spektakulärste Kampagne, die Gandhi während seines Kampfes um Unabhängigkeit initiierte. April 1930 Ein Mann bewegt die Massen. [70] Gandhi had asked that only men take part in the salt march, but eventually women began manufacturing and selling salt throughout India. "Mass civil disobedience throughout India followed as millions broke the salt laws", from Dalton's introduction to Gandhi's. He created a temporary ashram near Dandi. Gandhi chose the 1882 British Salt Act as the first target of satyagraha. An item of daily use could resonate more with all classes of citizens than an abstract demand for greater political rights. The march gathered more people as it gained momentum, but the following list of names consists of Gandhi himself and the first 78 marchers who were with Gandhi from the beginning of the Dandi March until the end. On 12 March 1930, Gandhi and 78 satyagrahis, among whom were men belonging to almost every region, caste, creed, and religion of India,[44] set out on foot for the coastal village of Dandi, Gujarat, 385 km from their starting point at Sabarmati Ashram. On 2 March 1930 Gandhi wrote to the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, offering to stop the march if Irwin met eleven demands, including reduction of land revenue assessments, cutting military spending, imposing a tariff on foreign cloth, and abolishing the salt tax. März 1930. [68], While Gandhi marched along India's west coast, his close associate C. Rajagopalachari, who would later become sovereign India's first Governor-General, organized the Vedaranyam salt march in parallel on the east coast. [78], Vithalbhai Patel, former Speaker of the Assembly, watched the beatings and remarked, "All hope of reconciling India with the British Empire is lost forever. The 1882 Salt Act gave the British a monopoly on the collection and manufacture of salt, limiting its handling to government salt depots and levying a salt tax. A pinch of salt made by Gandhi himself sold for 1,600 rupees (equivalent to $750 at the time). None of those measures slowed the civil disobedience movement. "[33] Correspondents from dozens of Indian, European, and American newspapers, along with film companies, responded to the drama and began covering the event. Der Salzmarsch oder die Salz-Satyagraha von 1930 war eine Kampagne Mahatma Gandhis, die das Salzmonopol der Briten brechen sollt .. The whole concept of Satyagraha (Satya is truth which equals love, and agraha is force; Satyagraha, therefore, means truth force or love force) was profoundly significant to me. Every day, more and more people joined the march, until the procession of marchers became at least 3 km long. [20] Salt was sold illegally all over the coast of India. Dagegen wollte Gandhi protestieren. Genom att arrestera Gandhi hoppades kolonialregeringen kunna isolera honom från sina anhängare och beröva honom det politiska inflytandet. Der zierliche Mann lief auch mitten im Schweizer Dezember des Jahres 1931 nur in einfachen Sand… In his words: Truth (satya) implies love, and firmness (agraha) engenders and therefore serves as a synonym for force. Weil jede Form der Salzgewinnung, des Salztransports und des Salzhandels den Briten vorbehalten war, wurden an die 50.000 Inder in der Folge verhaftet, darunter fast alle Führer der Kongresspartei Indiens, was den Erfolg der Aktion außergewöhnlich beschleunigte. März 1930 hatte sich Mahatma Gandhi mit einer Schar von Mitstreitern aus seinem Ashram auf den rund 200 Meilen langen Weg zum Meer gemacht. I wish I could believe this non-interference was due to any real change of heart or policy. The 24-day march lasted from 12 March 1930 to 5 April 1930 as a direct action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly. Another reason for this march was that the Civil Disobedience Movement needed a strong inauguration that would inspire more people to follow Gandhi's example. Mahatma Gandhi and his followers during the Salt March protests, India, March or April 1930. Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi: Volumes 1 to 98 Below volumes form the revised - erroneous - version of the CWMG as published on the CD-Rom "Mahatma Gandhi - Interactive Multimedia - Electronic Book" in 1999. In contrast to the other leaders, the prominent Congress statesman and future Governor-General of India, C. Rajagopalachari, understood Gandhi's viewpoint. The Salt March to Dandi, and the beating by British police of hundreds of nonviolent protesters in Dharasana, which received worldwide news coverage, demonstrated the effective use of civil disobedience as a technique for fighting social and political injustice. Soldaten des Friedens. Am 5. "[79] Miller's first attempts at telegraphing the story to his publisher in England were censored by the British telegraph operators in India. However, Gandhi was arrested on the midnight of 4–5 May 1930, just days before the planned action at Dharasana. Mahatma Gandhi Ind Med Gaz. Appealing for violence to end, at the same time Gandhi honoured those killed in Chittagong and congratulated their parents "for the finished sacrifices of their sons ... A warrior's death is never a matter for sorrow. Lebenslauf des Mahatma Gandhi Autor: Eva Stahl, 02/2001 • 2. Gandhi gave interviews and wrote articles along the way. Blaine.[80]. Familjen befann sig precis under brahmanerna (prästerna) och kshatriyerna (ädlingar och krigare). [59], Mass civil disobedience spread throughout India as millions broke the salt laws by making salt or buying illegal salt. Sie marschierten gemeinsam über 200 … [52] Near the end of the march, Gandhi declared, "I want world sympathy in this battle of right against might."[53]. Schon vor 2000 Jahren, so hielt ein Mann in Lausanne Mahatma Gandhi vor, habe Jesus die Gewaltfreiheit gepredigt. The Salt March, also known as the Salt Satyagraha, Dandi March and the Dandi Satyagraha, was an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in colonial India led by Mahatma Gandhi. Mein Bild des 20. As president of the Indian National Congress and the first woman governor of free India, she was a fervent advocate for India, avidly mobilizing support for the Indian independence movement. Weit mehr als 50 000 Menschen gehen wegen ihm in den Knast, für lange Zeit; er selbst verbringt ca. We believe also that if any government deprives a people of these rights and oppresses them the people have a further right to alter it or abolish it. ist es, was den Salzmarsch des Mahatma Gandhi zur historischen Tat gemacht hat. Am 5. [67] On 23 April 1930, Ghaffar Khan was arrested. The salt satyagraha would begin on 12 March and end in Dandi with Gandhi breaking the Salt Act on 6 April. Gandhi (2001), p. 6. Gandhi forderte seine Landsleute auf, es ihm unter Verzicht von Gewalt gleichzutun, was in ganz Indien geschah: Nicht nur seine Anhänger begannen, ihr Salz selbst zu gewinnen, indem sie Salzwasser in einer Schüssel in die Sonne stellten und verdunsten ließen, sondern auch andere Inder beteiligten sich. [51] At Surat, they were greeted by 30,000 people. Hunderttausende folgen Gandhi und laufen gemeinsam fast 400 Kilometer weit zum Meer. Satyagraha is a synthesis of the Sanskrit words Satya (truth) and Agraha (insistence on). [12], The Congress Working Committee gave Gandhi the responsibility for organising the first act of civil disobedience, with Congress itself ready to take charge after Gandhi's expected arrest. At the finale in Dandi, the prime minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, greeted the marchers and promised to build an appropriate monument at Dandi to commemorate the marchers and the historical event. And then they would shout at the top of their voices: 'We have broken the salt law! Download » Mahatma Gandhi - The Man Who Became One With The Universal Being - by Romain Rolland (Courtesy: Ob Gandhi nicht enttäuscht sei, diesen selben Rat Jesu einfach zu wiederholen, wollte der Schweizer von dem prominenten Inder wissen. Als Mahatma Gandhi gekleidete Männer beteiligen sich eine Nachstellung der Salz März in Durban 17. I have also called it Love-force or Soul-force." It was a remarkable transformation and the Congress, under Gandhi's leadership, must have the credit for it.[89]. Mahatma Gandhi Quotes: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi, Bapu and Gandhiji were one of the most prominent leaders of the Indian Independence movement.Born 2 October 1869 in a Hindu Merchant caste family in Gujarat. Er wollte in 24 Tagen zum 200 Kilometer entferneten Arabischen Meer gehen. Es war ein einfallsreicher Protest gegen das Salzmonopol der britischen Kolonialmacht. Als er nach 24 Tagen dort ankam, hob er einige Körner Salz auf. Mahatma Gandhi beendet seinen Salzmarsch ( Deutschlandfunk Kalenderblatt) Der Salzmarsch ist heute zentraler Begriff der Befreiung der indischen Kolonie von der britischen Vormacht. More than thirty years later, Satyagraha and the March to Dandi exercised a strong influence on American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., and his fight for civil rights for blacks in the 1960s: Like most people, I had heard of Gandhi, but I had never studied him seriously. [9] The march was the most significant organised challenge to British authority since the Non-cooperation movement of 1920–22, and directly followed the Purna Swaraj declaration of sovereignty and self-rule by the Indian National Congress on 26 January 1930. [86] The Satyagraha campaign of the 1930s also forced the British to recognise that their control of India depended entirely on the consent of the Indians – Salt Satyagraha was a significant step in the British losing that consent.[87]. The Indian National Congress, led by Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, publicly issued the Declaration of sovereignty and self-rule, or Purna Swaraj, on 26 January 1930. He was not awarded on those five occasions. The National Salt Satyagraha Memorial, a memorial museum, dedicated to the event was opened in Dandi on 30 January 2019. Välj mellan premium Mahatma Gandhi av högsta kvalitet. After he ignored the letter and refused to meet with Gandhi, the march was set in motion. [81] Civil disobedience continued until early 1931, when Gandhi was finally released from prison to hold talks with Irwin. [17], Gandhi felt that this protest would dramatise Purna Swaraj in a way that was meaningful to every Indian. Mahatma Gandhi – fredsapostel på blodbestänkt väg. In early 1930 the Indian National Congress chose satyagraha as their main tactic for winning Indian sovereignty and self-rule from British rule and appointed Gandhi to organise the campaign. März 1930 zum "Salzmarsch“ ans Arabische Meer auf. These measures did not appear to have any effect on the movement...", "Indian, British, and world opinion increasingly recognized the legitimate claims of Gandhi and Congress for Indian independence. He employed non-violent principles and peaceful disobedience as a means to achieve his goal. [77] United Press correspondent Webb Miller reported that: Not one of the marchers even raised an arm to fend off the blows. März 1930 bracht Mahatma Gandhi von seinem Ashram Sabarmati bei Ahmadabad zum „Salzmarsch“ nach Dandi am Arabischen Meer auf. Most of them were between the ages of 20 and 30. Am 12. Han var en förgrundsfigur i Indiens självständighetssträvanden från Brittiska imperiet. Hänet tunnetaan väkivallattoman vastarinnan satyagrahan kehittäjänä. [7] Literally, it is formed from the Sanskrit words satya, "truth", and agraha, "insistence". Diese Aktion sollte den zivilen Ungehorsam beflügeln und ein Zeichen gegen die Abhängigkeit von zu hohen Steuern durch Großbritannien setzen. "[17], Gandhi had a long-standing commitment to nonviolent civil disobedience, which he termed satyagraha, as the basis for achieving Indian sovereignty and self-rule. [49] The New York Times wrote almost daily about the Salt March, including two front-page articles on 6 and 7 April. He implored his thousands of followers to likewise begin making salt along the seashore, "wherever it is convenient" and to instruct villagers in making illegal, but necessary, salt. The entire platoon was arrested and many received heavy penalties, including life imprisonment. On 5 February, newspapers reported that Gandhi would begin civil disobedience by defying the salt laws. Der Salzmarsch oder die Salz-Satyagraha von 1930 war eine Kampagne Mahatma Gandhis, die das Salzmonopol der Briten brechen sollte und letztlich zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens von Großbritannien führte. The government was also complicit in a sustained attack on trade unionism in India,[65] an attack that Sumit Sarkar has described as "a massive capitalist and government counter-offensive" against workers' rights. Dort lassen sie in ihren Händen Wasser verdunsten, bis nur das Salz zurückbleibt. Januar 1930 folgte, inspirierte Millionen von Indern, sich seiner Kampagne des zivilen Ungehorsams anzuschließen. Der gleichnamige Bodentyp findet sich unter,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. However, Gandhi had sound reasons for his decision. When India was a colony of Great Britain, Gandhi used nonviolent methods to protest against British rule. [14] Violation of the Salt Act was a criminal offence. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi föddes 1869 i den lilla staden Porbandar i västra Indien. The twenty four day march lasted from 12 March 1930 to 6 April 1930 as a direct action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly. Download » Seven Months with Mahatma Gandhi - by Krishnadas, Abridged and Edited by Richard Gregg. [31] Gandhi chose 6 April to launch the mass breaking of the salt laws for a symbolic reason—it was the first day of "National Week", begun in 1919 when Gandhi conceived of the national hartal (strike) against the Rowlatt Act. He wrote to Lord Irwin, again telling him of his plans. The beatings at Dharasana, the shootings at Peshawar, the floggings and hangings at Solapur, the mass arrests, and much else were all presided over by a Labour prime minister, Ramsay MacDonald and his secretary of state, William Wedgwood Benn. It was the first time the two held talks on equal terms,[82] and resulted in the Gandhi–Irwin Pact. Mahatma Gandhi . 1930 rief Gandhi zu einer erneuten Kampagne des zivilen Ungehorsams auf.

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